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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

A New Twist On An Old Spread

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

The traditional Tarot spread is modified a bit in order to incorporate the Four Worlds representing the Elements and the Court cards. Cards 1 through 3 are placed normally in the spread, but 4 and 5 are switched. They traded places because on the Tree of Life, the fourth sphere of mercy & kindness sits across from the fifth sphere of severity. I would rather have Gevurah behind me and Chesed before me. Wouldn't you?

The other main difference is found in the 7 and 8 card placements. It makes sense for the physical world of action to be at the bottom and the emotional world of feeling to be between the "mind" and the "body." What do you think? To purchase a reading from me, visit and leave questions & comments here on the Blog page. I will respond if you have a question. YL

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