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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

Atziluth ~ The Court of Essence/Being

When the apprentice on the journey of Ascendance recognizes that he, or she, is a Soul in Formation on the path to enlightenment, then are they initiated into the fold by making their intentions known in the physical world. One's behavior is the manifestation of one's spirit. The seeds you have sewn into the world you reside in is a reflection of your spiritual desire, ie, intentions. To what ends will you use this means of enlightenment? That is the question asked of the student of personal alchemy.

The apprentice, or Page, leaves Malkuth and enters initiation by gaining awareness of the Spirit within. Self-awareness is self identification. You are initiated if your intentions are pure. Only the initiated ones will enter into adeptship & knight-hood. Wisdom will reveal itself in & through the Adept, in Chochmah.

The Knight is manifested next , achieving the level of skill required to practice magic! Here is the true Magician of the courtly realms! Knowledge is power. Mind is truth.

With the power of awareness, you gain the Under-standing of Binah and manifest into the Queen of Wands. She is master of her emotions & guardian of the Soul - the Essence of Being, the King of Wands, found in Keter.

The final crowning achievement of humankind is to realize that they are the many sparks of divinity flowing from the fountain of Soul. Being the Lord of your own spirit is quite an achievement on the Journey of life! The many paths of many lifetimes of journeys culminate in the divine revelation that you are the lord & master of your mind, through which spirit is manifested! Live! Love! Enjoy!

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