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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

Asiyah ~ The Court of Manifestation

In Jewish mysticism, Asiyah is the world of physical action. It is represented in the Tarot by The World card and all of the coins (diamonds or pentacles) in the Minor Arcana.

Introducing the royal Court cards of the Earth element & means of attainment of the gifts found through Asiyah. They represent a deeper level of initiation into the Tarot. Coming from the sphere pendant to the Tree of Life, the Page ascends the Path of the Divine Lightning Flash in order to sit at the feet of the Divine Mother. Here, she presents herself and is understood by the Queen.

The Page of Diamonds receives the Seeds of Success from all the previous pip cards that descend from Keter, the Crown, starting with the Aces and ending with the 10's of the Minor Arcana found in Malkuth, the Kingdom.

As a Page, you ascend the Tree of Life, crossing the Veil of the Abyss & resting in the arms of the Great Comforter, Vishnu energy of Binah, the sphere of Understanding. You meet the Queen of Diamonds, who gets to the heart of the matter of life by showing you compassion. She understands what's really going on! She wants to ensure that your physical needs are met. She is loving, but practical and grounded. She nourishes the seeds of the apprentice with the Element of Water. Together, the Earth & Water complete Form and ascend to Air.

The mind (Air) is in the body (Earth) manifesting the power of Thought, as represented by the Knight of Diamonds. What we think about, we bring about. . . so pay attention to your thoughts. Thoughts matter because they create matter. Coming from the sphere of Chochmah, you receive Wisdom and the Breath of Life, which gives Balance to Form, preparing you (or the Apprentice) to receive the Shiva energy of the Crown.

Abiding by the Principle of Attraction, the Knight masters' his focus of attention and self-control. He uses Form from below and Spirit from above (on the Tree of Life) in order to manifest the King of Diamonds. Here is the Crown, given to the apprentice upon completion of the physical ascension from the Root of Diamonds found in the Ace, down to the sphere of Malkuth, where One is initiated and back up to Keter and kingship again! Buy my deck or purchase one of my tarot card readings today. Feel free to ask a question or leave a comment here in the Adept's Blog. Thank you! YL

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