Beginning with the Page of Swords (spades) emerging from Malkuth upwards on The Tree of Life, Consciousness transcends the Material World and Knowledge is attained.
The Page here is Manifestation within the Mind - the process of inner creation.
Wisdom from the Knight enlightens us!
Formation of relationships based on Trust occurs when we know ourselves inside & out.
Getting to know yourself and others, learning to trust yourself and others, all this leads to a Divine Knowledge which is accessible to all who search for it. Knowledge of God combined with Trust and Knowledge of Self, leads to a Perfect Understanding. The consciousness achieved in the mental world of Briah is balanced with the Formative, sensual world of Yetzirah, to be explored in the next, upcoming Adept's Blog Post on the Court of Cups (hearts.)
With the power and process of "thinking" in our tool-box of Life Skills, we can discern, choose, define, delineate, cut through the B.S. of daily living & control our own thoughts!
Please leave comments or ask questions about my deck. It is for sale at along with my tarot card readings & art.