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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

How To Catch A Shooting Star

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

First, you find the right bait with which to hook it. Then, you cast your line onto its tail. Hang on and go for a ride!

The Star in classic Tarot is represented by the constellation (zodiac Air sign) of Aquarius, the water-bearer. She holds a vessel of water and gazes at her reflection in the stream of consciousness. She could be an air-head or a wise servant. Being the 17th card of the Major Arcana, she corresponds to the 18th Hebrew letter, Tzadi, meaning fish-hook.

When you consider the shape of the letter, Tzadi, you notice it looks like the English letter Y with a hooked tail. It is similar to the shape of Ayin, the Devil card in the Tarot. Both letters have a hook shaped ending when drawing the letters with pen on paper.

Coming from the mental realm of Wisdom, or Chochmah, on the Tree of Life, the roots of this sign are in the Ace of Swords or Air which manifests in the sphere of Keter, the Crown, on the Tree of Life. Notice the white border of the card. Keter represents Pure Spirit ~ Essence of each Element. The Root of the Powers of Air include 3 of the 12 zodiac signs. Air & swords or spades are associated with the process of thinking. The Secret to the Invisible Work lies within the Ace of Spades. Learn and know well its powers. It can receive and/or deceive. The power of cunning is double edged.

Tzadi or Aquarius is located on the tail of the Ouroboros, representing the middle of the season of winter and the Decans pictured below. Not only called the fish-hook, Tzadi means "faithful servant."

Aquarius is faithfully serving the element of water, even though she is in fact, an Air sign.

She reveals Loss, Rewards & Force of Mind.

If you are a fan of Star Trek New Generation, you may recall William Riker referring to his beloved Deanna Troi as "Imzadi." She tells him the meaning is "The first to ever touch my soul." It is a term of endearment that reveals a faithful relationship of being hooked. Buy the deck &/or leave a comment or question here.

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