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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

Tarot ~ Key to the Tree of Life

Misinformation abounds when it comes to the Tarot. That is a good thing! If news got out that we can use the Tarot to navigate, not only this life, but the life of the soul, we would all own a deck with which we could use to find out who we are and what we are doing here on Earth. We would all be magicians!

Truth be known, the Tarot is totally fabricated. Tarrocia is a game of playing cards. Someone, or a group of someones, hid esoteric knowledge in an adult past-time to conceal the gnosis from the vain & ignorant. Like the secret language of alchemy, Tarot holds clues for the seeker of gnosis within its page-like leaves resembling a book no longer bound. In the Ascending Adept’s Tarot, the “book” is reassembled with the secrets unveiled. I say unveiled rather than revealed because to reveal is actually to “again cover.” In the Adventures of An Apprentice, one uncovers the occult meaning of the Tarot, as it relates to the Tree of Life and reincarnation of the soul.

Check out the Keys to the Adept’s Tarot at for more information and to purchase the deck, a reading or meditation. Details on using the deck @

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