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  • Writer's pictureYonas Lunata

Why bother with a Tarot reading?

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

I recently bought my first Tarot reading from an on-line psychic. I don't remember ever having my cards read by a professional. I only have vague recollections of Tarot cards being introduced to me during my adolescence. It was when I began menopause in my mid-forties that I became interested in the deck. In a small shop on Frazier Ave, in North Chattanooga, TN, I spied a mini version of the Waite-Rider deck for sale. My boyfriend was shopping with me on a beautiful autumn day! It was my birthday and we were shopping for a present! I chose the inexpensive deck on a whim, unconscious of the future revelations I would find in it. Fast forward 10 years from then, I formed my own deck of Tarot, which began after the Dark Night of the Soul, which transformed me.

I turned to the cards for answers then and now. Many people are looking for answers. Some are satisfied with the hand of cards they are dealt in this life; others want a reshuffle of the deck. After learning the varied history of the Tarot, I surmised its use to be a valuable instrument of transmitting information from one generation to another. I asked myself the question: "If I did live before, in another life on this earth, AND if I was as smart then as I am now, why didn't I leave myself clues with which to find my way on the Path and pick up where I left off in my Journey of the Great Work?

So began my search for clues! I researched alchemy, astrology, Jewish mysticism, religions of the world, philosophy, ancient civilizations, mythology, sacred geometry, psychology and theosophy. Having gone to college and grad school, receiving a Master's in Social Work, I was prepared to digest my research and produce with it the Fruits of the Spirit. I have found, in this life, my work begins by honoring the Sun sign under which I was born. This means I choose to assist others in the flow, or transitions, of Life by acknowledging my Water sign/elemental power of Transformation. When making my Adept's Tarot, it was when the card of Death was given the power of the scorpion that my fear of the Fruit of Knowledge caused me to retire under a rock. Did I want to know?

Ten years later, approaching my date of birth, I emerge from the shelter of earth, tentatively stepping onto the Path and into the role of Wounded Healer. A recent reading published in another post showed me I have a depth of Understanding from Binah. Notice the black border of the cards in that reading? What I saw and received is that my pain is the source of my gift. Now, I have the space to receive the Knowledge of the Knight, my "obstacle" or teacher. He gives me a new image of myself. He points the Way from initiate to adeptship. I am ready to let go of my Crown of Grief now. I am the Warrior of Gevurah, finding Strength by assisting others on the Journey. I am receptive as water, giving with the heart and receiving with the mind. Love is my shield & glory.

Why bother with a Tarot reading? It reminds you of who & where you are on the Path. You can purchase a reading from me or buy the Adept's Tarot at my Etsy shop. Feel free to ask me a question here or leave a comment.

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